As we begin the process of developing a strategic plan, it’s also important to acknowledge areas for growth and improvement and the challenges we face. Working alongside the School Committee and school administrators, I’m committed to improving our communications to ensure that parents are connected to the classroom experience and that all constituents feel heard and acknowledged. I’m working with faculty to develop student-centered, standards-based curricula and to provide clear, informative feedback about each child’s academic progress. I recognize that while FSH faces the enrollment challenges that all area independent schools are facing, we feel the impact more acutely because of our size. However, I’m confident that with Bob Vitalo’s expertise and School Committee’s support, Friends School Haverford will continue to educate children to think critically and to act kindly and justly.
I’m grateful to all of you for sending your children to FSH and for being a part of this small Quaker school with an enormous heart. I am proud to show visitors and prospective families all that your children help to make possible here each day.