I followed up on last week’s query at today’s all-school assembly by asking students to think about the different kinds of listening we do at Friends School Haverford. We don’t just listen to our classmates and our teachers--we also listen when no one is talking. Fittingly, this led to some giggles--what is there to listen for if no one is talking?
As a Quaker school, we’re learning to listen to the small voice inside of us. Quakers refer to this as “the still, small voice of God.” In the context of Quaker education, I encouraged students this morning to think of it as the voice of an inner teacher, guiding each of us to be our best selves. Silence provides each of us a chance to reconnect with that voice and to heed its call, individually and collectively.
I wish you all a great week and, as always, invite you to listen in silence with us on Thursdays at 9:15 am in the Meetinghouse.