The tyranny of our calendars makes community events like this past Saturday’s Pumpkin Day all the more meaningful. Yes, the weather cooperated, and the universe provided a simply gorgeous autumn day, but FSH families and community members supplied the rest. The PTO gathered hay bales, games, craft supplies, cider, and the pumpkins (of course!). Parent volunteers baked cookies and worked tables and swept up piles of hay. Ken Sands and his crew set up and took down tables. Families took time out of their Saturday morning (after soccer practice and before birthday parties) to join in the fun, soak in the sun, and connect. Community building requires our time, our energy, and our investment, much like all those other competing demands on our calendars.
I am genuinely grateful to every person who gave us the gift of their time to nurture the FSH community and to make Pumpkin Day a success. It means so much to know that together, we can create meaningful opportunities for FSH families to connect both in and outside of the school day. Thank you, friends, for the role you play in making this a vibrant, joyful, close-knit community for your children--and for us all.