Find the Light Within Each Other and Ourselves
Liza Ewen
Acting Head of School
With all due respect to T.S. Eliot, April is not the cruelest month--February is. It is, to borrow from a Garfield comic that a student cut out and passed along to me many years ago, the Monday of months. I always assumed this stemmed from the rhythm of the school year (in February, it feels as if the school year has been going on forever when really, the second half has just begun). Still, the two Februarys I spent on maternity leave were marked by the same sinus infections and existential malaise. For years, I held the weather accountable, but this year that longstanding myth has been undone by spring-like days --which, in true February fashion, have turned sweet crocuses into further proof of global warming. Even before February officially began, I had to turn off my morning dose of NPR to muster enough strength to face the day. From the possibility of a pandemic to the final two minutes of the Doomsday Clock to the unfathomable tragedy of Kobe and Gianna Bryant, January was an extended prologue to February. There’s no consolation to be had in the ubiquitous reminder that it’s only 28 days (except when there’s 29 of them). February, no matter its length, is an unrelenting reminder of what we’re up against… in my humble opinion, at least.