Thoughtful Uncertainty
Liza Ewen
Acting Head of School
Throughout the year, I’ve kept a running list of topics to write about in the Weekly Update--an emergency stash of ideas to turn to when the past week’s events don’t reveal what this weekly note to you should address. For the last two months, that list (like my once-beloved office calendar) has taunted me with topics that are too much to tackle during a global pandemic. The value of a growth mindset and teaching our children (and really, ourselves) how to be resilient. The role of technology and screentime in the FSH classroom. This morning, for the life of me, I cannot remember what could have possibly led me to jot down “thoughtful uncertainty” as a worthy topic, but there it is, on the list. Honestly, with each passing week in this new not-at-all-normal reality, I’ve considered writing about the now-hourly conversations my wife and I have with our second-grader about why we aren’t getting a puppy. However, with each passing week, despite impressive clarity, resolve, and parental solidarity, I cannot confidently rule out the possibility that come September, I’ll have a new lens for thinking all things teaching and learning--life with our new puppy.